Content Marketing Consultancy

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How Important is Great Content to Your Business?

Content is king. If your business is involved in content marketing at any level, the chances are very good that you have heard that phrase a lot. But how true is it, and just what kind of content is it that is king these days? Blogs, videos, photographs, ebooks? As the digital marketing landscape grows larger every day, that can be hard for any business to figure out.

Content marketing is indeed increasingly important. However, most businesses, when they are trying to make sense of it, and how to use it to their advantage, struggle. Often to the point of giving up and missing out on the many benefits it offers.

However, working with a content marketing consultancy like Pearl Lemon Consulting allows businesses of all sizes and in every niche to better understand the idea of content marketing and then create a strategy to harness the power of content marketing to do what it does best: generate leads, build their brand and supercharge any of their marketing efforts.

What is Content Marketing?

Most people spend roughly seven hours every day online, from uploading photos to Instagram to getting lost down a TikTok rabbit hole. As a company, this allows you the chance to be a part of whatever content people watch, read, or listen to.

What’s the drawback? 84 percent of businesses think they have a content marketing plan, making it one of the most oversaturated areas in marketing.

As a result, the internet is overloaded with articles, images, videos, webinars,  podcasts (and more) that most people are uninterested in. While businesses want a speedy means to provide information to the right people on the appropriate channels, developing content without a well-thought-out content marketing strategy can result in substandard material that performs poorly.

If you get it wrong, your content will merely add to the internet clutter. If you get it right, your content will pique readers’ interest, resulting in increased traffic, higher search rankings, better leads, greater visibility and more sales.

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Joyous florist working on a laptop in her workshop
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What is Good Content Marketing?

Businesses hire a content marketing consultancy for many reasons, but one of the biggest, we find, is that they really don’t know what good content marketing is. They have read that they need it, probably a thousand times or more, but just don’t know what good content marketing would entail for their business.

In very basic terms, A mission statement underpins good content marketing, and it aligns with your company’s goals and aspirations. Your audience will appreciate the value of good content marketing. Good content marketing will allow your target prospects to learn more about your business itself and the people behind it, not just your products and services.

But perhaps most importantly, good content will give your audience the impression that they are not being sold to but rather that you are informing, helping or even entertaining them. In a time when consumers are savvier than ever before, and generally dislike being sold to, this can give businesses, using good content marketing to create that impression, priceless.

The term content covers a wide range of disciplines. A brand’s email, a podcast episode, a video, a social media meme, an infographic, or a white paper are all examples of content. It could be a blog on a company’s website or an article created for a third-party website on a new product line, which is then spread via social media channels or content aggregation sites like Reddit or Quora.

Finding out what the ideal content is, and the best content marketing channels for your target audience, is the key to success. Which is where a content marketing consultancy like Pearl Lemon Consulting can be truly helpful.

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How Can Pearl Lemon Consulting Help You

Most of the content marketing consulting clients we work with are already involved in content marketing to at least some degree. Most have a blog, several social media accounts across the standard channels – Facebook, Twitter and maybe LinkedIn and/or YouTube – and, as time allows, they add content to these. The chances are that your business is in a very similar position.

The problem with all of this is that most businesses don’t go about content marketing with much of a plan in mind. “Post one 1,000 word blog post a week and share it on social media” is not a content marketing strategy. “Post 10 images to Instagram a day” is not a content marketing strategy. These are attempts to create content marketing habits, and they are habits that are usually not created anyway because the business just does not have the staff, time or even the knowledge to keep up with them.

As your content marketing consultancy, the Pearl Lemon Consulting team will begin by conducting a content audit of what you already have in place. We’ll look at much more than just the content itself, though.

Making use of both advanced analytics tools and our own long experience in content creation and content marketing (some team members have been in the content marketing business for almost two decades) we will assess how the content has and is performing in terms of consumption, lead generation, SEO benefits (content can have a lot of SEO benefits) and brand positioning.

As your full service content marketing consultancy, we’ll then determine what is working, what is not and sit down with you to brainstorm a workable content marketing strategy that aligns with your goals.

This is a very important part of the process. Many companies create content because they have heard they should, but have no clear idea of what they want and need that content to achieve. Working with Pearl Lemon Consulting as your content marketing consultancy will mean that you’ll never produce content without a defined purpose again.

If you lack the resources to create the planned content, we’ll help you find people who can. If you have content creators but lack the time to distribute that content, we’ll help you put a strategy in place to do that. And we’ll ensure that there is a system in place that will track and measure the effectiveness of this new content marketing strategy so that it offers the best possible ROI.

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Ready to make use of our content marketing consultancy services to finally get the content marketing ROI you hope for? Contact us today and let’s get started.

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