Here’s Why Customer Surveys Are More Important Than Ever

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And How to Get Them Right 

Customer feedback surveys are a traditional part of the marketing kit. The surveying procedure, which was formerly mostly dependent on guys with clipboards knocking on doors, has now changed to suit the digital revolution and now includes things like post-purchase emails, online feedback forms, and smartphone surveys.

Organizations do invest a lot of time and money on their customer surveying procedures; in fact, consumer research makes up around 8% of all market research in terms of value, according to recent Gallup research. 

Although there has been a significant investment in surveys, there is still a sense that organizations could—and even should—be doing much more.

Particularly, there is a propensity for companies to survey their client bases in a reactionary manner, only looking into their audiences when sales are slowing, NPS ratings are declining, or online customer reviews are becoming unfavourable. There is a perception that by conducting surveys at that point, they are closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Instead, companies should regularly survey their customers as part of a feedback program to identify any potential issues and ultimately prevent them. Here we are going to take a closer look at the reasons why timely – and proactive rather than reactive – customer feedback surveys are more important than ever before. 

Customers Expect More Than Ever Before 

Brand experiences are now expected to meet higher standards than ever before, and failing to do so can have significant consequences. According to recent research conducted by Gallup, 24% of respondents stated that a single negative online experience would prompt them to switch to a different provider.

To accurately assess the quality of your customer experience, it’s best to consult your customers themselves. Conducting regular customer surveys can help you identify any emerging issues that may compromise the experience you provide, as well as provide insights into how customers purchase and use your products and services.

Brand Loyalty is Decreasing 

There are many reasons why brand loyalty is decreasing. Increased competition, changing consumer behaviour, lack of differentiation, decreasing trust, and lack of personalization are some of the key factors contributing to this trend. Brands need to adapt to these changing trends and prioritize creating meaningful and personalized experiences that can help them build and maintain customer loyalty.

Regular customer surveys can be key to these efforts. Customer surveys demonstrate that a company values its customers’ opinions and experiences. By asking for feedback, companies show that they are interested in improving their products and services and providing the best possible experience for their customers.

When customers feel that their opinions are valued, they are more likely to feel a connection to the brand and become loyal customers. By implementing changes based on customer feedback, companies can show that they listen and take their customers’ opinions seriously, which can help build trust and loyalty.

But there are potentially even more brand loyalty boosting opportunities. Surveys can be a great way to promote new products or services and encourage customers to try them out, which can also increase engagement and loyalty. This can often be a better way to market to existing customers than a straight hard sell. 

The Sales Process Often Lacks the Human Touch 

In the online age, the purchasing process for many businesses, both large and small, can feel impersonal, with little to no human contact with the buyer. However, customer surveys can provide a human touch and nurture a more intimate relationship if done well.

Customer surveys are becoming increasingly important tools for some of the world’s most successful companies that are considered customer-centric. They allow businesses to keep customers at the heart of every strategic move, ensuring that they meet their needs and preferences.

It’s important to remember that customer surveys are a two-way engagement. They create a direct line of communication between a business and its most loyal customer base. When done right, it can be a rewarding experience for both sides.

Consumer Tastes Are Changing Faster Than Ever 

Consumer tastes are changing at an accelerated pace. Products and services that are popular one month may lose their appeal the next. Customer surveys are essential tools that enable organizations to keep up with these changes and stay informed.

It has become increasingly important to gather insights from the entire customer base and ensure that a company’s offerings are still relevant to each demographic. There is clear evidence that different generations have unique expectations and preferences. To be customer-centric, companies need to understand what different groups want and what will excite them.

Merely delivering a standard product or service may not be enough to stand out. To understand what really excites customers, companies need to evaluate how they deliver against expectations and change what is underwhelming. By conducting customer surveys and analyzing the results, companies can adjust their offerings to better meet the evolving needs and desires of their customer base.

Customers Are Sharing Their Opinions Anyway

Customers are likely to share negative experiences with others, and it can be detrimental to a business’s reputation. Therefore, reaching out to customers to ask about their experiences is not only good service but also helps limit the damage if they have a problem. 

By giving customers a chance to explain their issues and assuring them that their problem will be fixed, a business can decrease their annoyance and retain their business.

Negative feedback on independent review websites is a clear indication that a company needs to better understand its customers. Encouraging customers to voice their concerns and preferences early on in their brand journey, before they turn into more significant issues, and addressing them promptly, is a crucial strategy to prevent negative sentiment.

In the end, customers will voice their opinions, whether through direct one-on-one contact or on social media. Customer surveys provide a platform for customers and brands to collaborate and commucommunicate,e also providing a channel for rapid feedback.

What are the Best Ways to Utilize Customer Surveys for Maximum Engagement and ROI? 

It’s not just enough to send out a survey; the survey must also be designed and sent in a way that maximizes engagement. Here are some of our best insights as expert customer experience consultants: 

Keep Surveys Short and Simple

One of the most critical factors for maximizing engagement with customer surveys is keeping them short and simple. Customers are more likely to complete a survey if it’s easy to understand and doesn’t take up too much of their time.

Ideally, surveys should be no more than 5-10 questions and take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Questions should be straightforward and clear, and the survey should be easy to navigate.

Choose the Right Survey Platform

Choosing the right survey platform is essential for maximizing engagement with customer surveys. There are many survey platforms available, but not all are created equal.

Businesses should choose a survey platform that is user-friendly, has a clean design, and is optimized for mobile devices. Many people now use their smartphones to access the internet, so it’s essential to ensure that the survey is optimized for mobile devices.

Personalize the Survey Invitation

Personalizing the survey invitation can help increase engagement and response rates. Instead of sending out a generic email or message, businesses should personalize the invitation by using the recipient’s name and addressing them directly.

In addition, businesses can also include a personalized message that explains the purpose of the survey and why their feedback is important. Personalizing the invitation can help make customers feel valued and increase the likelihood of them completing the survey.

Offer Incentives

Offering incentives is an effective way to increase engagement and response rates for customer surveys. Incentives can be in the form of discounts, coupons, or even entries into a prize draw.

When offering incentives, it’s essential to make it clear what customers will receive in return for completing the survey. This can help motivate them to take the time to complete the survey and provide valuable feedback.

Send Reminders

Sending reminders is another effective way to increase engagement with customer surveys. Customers may forget about the survey or intend to complete it later but never get around to it. Sending reminders can help keep the survey top of mind and increase the likelihood of customers completing it.

Businesses should send at least one reminder, but not too many to avoid being seen as annoying. Sending a reminder a few days after the initial invitation can help maximize engagement without becoming a nuisance.

Follow Up with Respondents

Following up with respondents is essential for maximizing engagement and improving the overall customer experience. Respondents should be thanked for their feedback, and any issues raised should be addressed promptly.

Businesses should also share the results of the survey with respondents and explain how the feedback is being used to make improvements. This can help make customers feel valued and increase the likelihood of them completing future surveys.

Analyze Results and Take Action

Finally, analyzing the results of the survey and taking action is essential for maximizing engagement and improving the customer experience. Businesses should carefully analyze the feedback and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Once improvements have been identified, businesses should take action and make the necessary changes. It’s essential to communicate with customers and let them know how their feedback has been used to make improvements.

In today’s fast-paced market, businesses must stay competitive and relevant by understanding their customers’ needs and preferences. Sending customer surveys in the right way is essential for maximizing engagement and gathering valuable feedback. 

If you’re struggling to implement effective customer surveys, consider seeking the help of a customer experience consulting firm like ours. We can provide expert guidance on customer survey design, implementation, and analysis, helping you to improve the customer experience and stay ahead of the competition. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about how our customer experience consulting services can help your business thrive.

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